
About me

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Frontend specalist with 6 years of experience crafting responsive and intuitive user interfaces. Proficient in HTML, CSS and Typescript, with expertise in modern frameworks like React and Astro. Experienced in end-to-end testing using Playwright, enhancing application reliability and user experience across different browsers and devices.

I began teaching myself web development in May 2018 and secured my first software role by March 2019. Although I have experience working across the full stack, my true passion is in frontend development, where I strive to excel.



A statically typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. Can't live without it!


React is a view library built by Facebook, released in 2013. It aims to enable complex & dynamic websites to be built using re-usable components.


A modern static site generator and web framework that allows building faster websites with less client-side JavaScript by leveraging server-side rendering and partial hydration.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a highly customizable, utility-first CSS framework that revolutionizes styling by providing low-level utility classes for fast and responsive design.


A powerful, cross-browser automation library for end-to-end testing of web applications, supporting Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit with a single API.

React Query

A powerful data fetching and state management library for React applications, simplifying server-state synchronization and caching.


Is a testing library developed by Facebook aimed at enabling efficient testing of the React and React Native applications.


Redux is a JS library for state management. It is commonly used in conjunction with React or Angular.


A programming language made prolific through the use in the browser. It is now seen as the language of the web.

ECMA Script 6

Released in 2015, ES6 brought a major update to the JavaScript language adding many new features.


HTML 5 is the mark-up language for the browser.


Cascading Style Sheets 3, is the latest version of the language used to add visual spice to a website.


Allows the use of JavaScript to write server side code. Built on top of Chrome's JavaScript V8 runtime engine.

Node Package Manager

NPM is both a command line interface and the world's largest software registry with approximately 3 billion downloads per week.


GIT is the go-to version control software. Allowing teams to collaborate and keep track of changes in complex projects.


Github is the most popular remote repository on the web. This allows the remote use of GIT in a seamless fashion.


Is a program / chrome extension for testing RESTful APIs. Postman makes it easy to to test, develop and document APIs through HTTP requests.


Webpack is a module bundler which simplifies the build process for web applications.


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